The application of batter is typically the first “wet” step in the coating process. This step is critical in achieving uniform and consistent coating coverage which is essential for high product quality. Our Stein APB All Purpose Batter Applicator was the industry’s first universal applicator able to handle both conventional and highly leavened tempura style batter materials and a wide range of product substrates.
Features & Benefits
- Runs a wide range of products and batter materials all in one applicator
- Easily converted from overflow to top submerger style of application for extreme versatility
- Adjustable pump re-circulates batter or returns batter to batter mixing system
- Adjustable height top submerger accommodates products of varying heights
- Batter blow off tube helps control and maintain coating pick-up
- Designed to apply all types of batter materials to a wide range of products
- APB is available in two configurations, Overflow style and top Submerger style
- Overflow style for conventional batters and shapes of products
- Curtain of batter flows directly onto the moving product to coat top and sides
- Bottom of product is coated as product moves through a shallow batter puddle
- Top Submerger style for unevenly shaped products, thicker products or products that float easily and require special alignment. Also for highly leavened style batters.
- The product is captured between to conveyor belts and moves under and through a deeper batter puddle
Options & Models
- APB-XX All Purpose Batter Applicator
- Available in 16 in, 24in., 34in. and 40in. wide useable belt widths
- Optional infeed conveyor extension