If you need a reliable machine to sterilize your dairy goods, check out our custom High Temperature Short Time (HTST) pasteurization systems. These pasteurizers are designed using current 3-A sanitary standards, Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) standards and other accepted practices. Additionally, we offer process automation and control systems created to accommodate heat transfer via plate and frame.
Features & Benefits
- Insulated and/or shrouded assemblies available on request
- Engineering services available for Clean-In-Place (CIP) integration and pre-fabricated modular systems
- Designed to accommodate heat transfer via plate and frame, triple tube, direct steam injection, and batch pasteurization
- Process automation and control systems compliant with current 3-A and/or pasteurization milk ordinance standards and acceptable practices
- Our A&B HTST systems apply to dairy, beverage and juice, fluid egg, and other pasteurized products