Our C.A.T. structure supported chilling systems have been engineered to provide long component life, reduced down time, and lower maintenance requirements.

C.A.T. NEOCAT Chiller
Innovative design and a focus on targeted solutions make the NEOCAT Chiller the perfect addition to your production line by increasing performance and efficiency At […]
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C.A.T. Automated Clean-in-Place (CIP) Technology
Now there’s a safer, more consistent and effective way to clean your chiller. With JBT’s patent-pending Clean-in-Place (CIP) Technology, you’re able to automate the cleaning […]
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C.A.T. FATCAT Chillers
Allows the processor the ability to increase production while still maintaining exit temperatures in the area previously used for the poultry chiller.
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C.A.T. Impingement / Crusting Freezer
The FREEZECAT keeps your products in shape; delivering the appearance you intended without sticking, deformation, drip loss, or belt marks. It takes just a few […]
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