The Formcook Contact Cooker incorporates the principle of cooking the product continuously between two cooking belts since the most effective method of transferring heat between two surfaces is by direct contact. It is perfectly suited for browning, searing and Sous Vide products since it utilizes intensive 260°C conduction heat transfer from top and bottom of the product simultaneously.This technology is excellent for flat, de-boned, whole muscle, minced meat products or bacon with a good contact surface. It also restricts excessive height expansion of products during cooking.The system uses a solid and stick-free product belt that handle heavily marinated, wet and sticky products.
Features & Benefits
- Fat-free contact cooking with non-stick belts seals the natural juices and fats in the product for highest eating quality and minimum cooking losses
- Fast cooking time provides higher yield
- Non-stick solid cooking belt means product is cooked in its juices and natural fats
- Perfect browning of product surface
- No belt marks on products
- Adjustable cooking time
- Temperature range up to 260° C
- Continuous belt cleaning system
- Adjustable heating plate height to accommodate different products
- Available with electrical of thermos fluid oil heat source
Options & Models
- Available in 560 or 1020 mm effective cooking width