The Long, Rich History of our Post-Harvest Solutions

From the beginning, Food Machinery sought business overseas, and by the early 1930s it was active in Australia and South Africa. This early pursuit of international markets, while unusual for a company of Food Machinery’s size, was driven by the nature of the food industry and its markets.
Most citrus fruits and many vegetables were grown in the warmer climates of Australia, South Africa, Brazil and the Mediterranean basin. So FMC had a natural overseas market.
Another reason why FMC became involved in international commerce ahead of other companies was John Crummey. Explained Bob McLellan, who was himself a key figure in building FMCs’ international business:
“John was a missionary at heart, with a missionary’s zeal. As a young salesman, he had gone out to the new areas of the fruir growing regions of the Unit ed States. When he was through in this country, he continued che search for markets abroad. He was looking for pockets of fruit production ali over the world that needed the kind of sophisticated equipment that FMC developed. He opened up South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, lsrael, even northern Afghanistan”.
History of the FMC logo design:

Food Machinery Corporation is the world’s largest manufacturer of machinery and equipment for the han dling of fruits, vegetables, milk, fish and meat products from the time the commodity comes from the orchard, field, farm, or sea until it is packed or canned ready for the consumer. The principal business is furnishing modem labor savings machinery for these purposes. – Annual Report –