Grow your state-of-the-art freezing performance with JBT Frigoscandia
The global frozen food market just keeps on growing as consumers all over the world keep discovering the tasty convenience of frozen foods, and the food processors offer a widening variety of high-quality products. Over the past 60 years, Frigoscandia has been supplying food processors with the world’s leading technology to efficiently, safely, and economically freeze almost every type of food product. Today JBT’s Frigoscandia freezers meet the needs of a truly global industry. In fact, more than half of the world’s rapidly growing production of frozen foods passes through our freezers.

High-capacity Spiral Freezing in a small footprint
The Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT® Spiral freezer with a self-stacking belt has many advantages for large or thick products and heavy belt loads, such as prepared meals, warm goods, nuggets, and burgers. With its compact, streamlined design, the spiral freezer can help you minimize the refrigeration footprint in your facility. Furthermore, it enables you to save energy and increase the efficiency of the production line. Frigoscandia has developed the market-leading products in spiral freezing, the GYRoCOMPACT series, with patented advantages such as self-stacking belts and the industry’s only self-contained freezing zone that is 100 per cent cleanable to satisfy rigorous hygiene requirements.
The only true fluidizing freezer
JBT’s Frigoscandia FLoFREEZE® IQF freezer is a pioneering technology in the field of individual freezing for vegetables, soft fruits, fish, and other high-value IQF products, which remains at the forefront of the industry, thanks to its versatility and ability to deliver true fluidization. Finding new ways of making freezing technology more economical has always been a key aim for JBT. Depending on your product’s shape and form, you must apply different freezing methods. Fluidization is ideal for small pieces like cubes, strips, and mince. Our Frigoscandia FLoFREEZE IQF freezer with true fluidization has a large capacity and maintains high hygienic quality. It uses a patented airflow system that gently separates delicate products at the crust freezing stage. The ability to tune airflow through the product bed ensures gentle optimized fluidization regardless of product shape, size, and weight. It also makes it possible to freeze tiny bits, minimizing food waste.
Airflow technology that delivers quality and profit
Apart from bread with living yeast, most food is better preserved when quickly frozen. By achieving rapid heat removal without affecting the product, our patented Frigoscandia ADVANTEC™ impingement airflow technology excels – both at freezing and chilling. The hydration, appearance, flavor, and texture of the product are always affected to a certain degree depending on the speed of the process. Our ADVANTEC freezers use impingement technology, a revolutionary solution with thousands of high-velocity air jets that blast away the boundary layer of air that holds heat around the product. The product is frozen instantly, with maintained quality and minimized dehydration. Impingement freezing is best suited for products with a high surface to mass ratio, for instance, thin products like burgers, where the heat can quickly be removed from the surface. Taste, mouthfeel, and product quality are assured.
Meet our food processing experts
IFFA | Frankfurt | 14/05/22 – 19/05/22 | Hall 8, Stand J90 & K90
Which freezer equipment and processing solutions you need depend on many different factors. So, don’t miss the opportunity to meet and consult with our food processing experts. At JBT, we have the knowledge and the range of products to guide you on what freezing methods and equipment are optimal for your product, both now and in the future. And if you are thinking about transitioning into plant-based, this is the perfect time to discuss it with our experts. At IFFA, you also will be able to explore the Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT Spiral freezer in action.
Time to grow your business with JBT
Protein processing
Portioning Systems
Coating Systems
Frying & Filtering
Grilling, Cooking & Searing
Chilling & Freezing